Sunday, 26 February 2012

The melted 'somehow's.'- [Poem]

Thought you'd might enjoy reading a poem by my 13 year old self. 5 years ago, when I was beginning my journey with Jesus. Don't be too harsh, I was 13! 

"Feeling lost? 
Like you're in a crowd and going the same way; monotonous. 
But, if you somehow even dared to turn around, and face the faces of unrecognition; if
somehow, you wove 
in the other direction.

You stand the chance of being bumped around a bit,
The pain and hurt causing words, can easily slip out of their lips, 
inflicted upon you
only because of your direction. Your difference.

Surely it would be worth it?
Worth it
if only one person turned and followed your lead?
That is one more
Living a life where you are walking and weaving your way with God is more fulfilling;
Him fully with you, guiding you.

You can do it.
You can be different.
Different is 
Different is 

Different is what God has created us to be: unique."

Obviously it's about standing for Jesus in the face of adversity. But as I read back over it now, (whilst cringing massively!) what strikes me is the 'somehow's.' How now I know that they do melt away in God's presence. The questions, fears, and worries of the somehow's, are nothing in comparison to God's promises and His faithfulness.

"Somehow I'll change this.
Somehow this will work out."

Are examples of how we can get caught up in how things are going to happen, and worrying that they wont. Well, we can stand today knowing that these somehow's are nothing compared to God's plan. He is all knowing. He can and will work things out. We just have to take His hand. He gives us strength.

Hope you liked the poem, hehe! Be encouraged by Matthew 5: 1-12!


Go a radiator!

Hey! So I haven't been on here in a real long time, eeeek, sorry! However today at our church meeting, an amazing woman of God gave me an inspiring prophetic word. It was so relevant and real to me, that the more I thought about it, the more I could see how elements of it were applicable, significant and important for others to know too. So here I am sharing some of it.

She basically told me that the image God had given her for me was a lighthouse. It sounds odd at first, but God was saying that we are to be like lighthouses, as His people, we should allow His light to shine out of us, so brightly. 

I'm not a sailing expert, but I know that the thing with lighthouses, is that people look to them, and respond to what they signify.

We can use this metaphor and apply it to our lives as Christ followers. We are to be rooted firmly in Him, and allow Him to shine exuberantly out of us for people to see. 

Recently I've been studying Matthew, working my way through this book. Today I came across Matthew 5: 13-16 in my reading, and it fitted so perfectly with what God had said to me this morning!

Teaching about Salt and Light
 13 “You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavour? Can you make it salty again? It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless.
 14 “You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. 15 No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.

What Jesus says here is extraordinary! He calls us to affect the world around us. We shouldn't blend in; we should stand out, to show others Jesus. Right there in God's word, He tells us to let Him, let our 'good deeds,' our lifestyle of living for Christ, shine out of us, 'for all to see.' 

I'll leave you with this extract from 'Love Letters from Your King' by Sheri Rose Shepherd.

"Be my light to the world today. I stepped into darkness so you would shine for Me. Did you know that I have empowered you to light up the lives of everyone around you? You are My light to the world. So walk with Me, and let Me illumine your life today with My love and My power. Look to Me, and I will make you the bright spot in someone's darkness today. Don't hide your light beneath your uncertainties or insecurities. Spend more time with Me and I will make you glow with a godliness that's irresistible. If you will let Me, I will make you shine in such a way that you will be My star that points to heaven and brings hope to the hurting.

Love Your King and True Light of the World."

P.s. The picture is from Google, it's great isn't it!