Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Are you being used?

In the nicest possible way. God is a user. However, not in the bad way that you're automaically thinking in the light of that very short, impacting statement. Yes, God can and has and does and will do things himself, but... He likes to use us. He likes to include us and get us involved.

Our challenge now, is to remember how God has used us before. To ask him what he wants to use us in now. And to listen to what he wants us to get involved with next. We must keep our hearts soft towards God, and his ultimate plan, to tell the world about Jesus.

You may be thinking, me? I'm only one person, but we must realise that:

"I may just be a drop in the bucket, but the bucket isn't full until I'm in it." Iverna Tompkins

"History never looks like history when you're living through it." John Gardner

Shall we let God use us as this history gets produced? Well, Im going to.



Not the sleeping kind. The hopeful aspirations and ambitions! Being Gods children means that if our dreams are possible by our own doing, they are no where near big enough! Dreaming big dreams with God is exciting, because anything and everything is possible!

During our weekly chats, Me and the lovely Liz, started dreaming, with God at the centre of our ambitions! Our dreams were big, not just going to Africa, not just volunteering, not just travelling, even though the above are all mega dreams! But ours got bigger and bigger the more God revealed to us the skills he's blessed us with, the more we listenned to the desires to serve, these gifts that Gods put inside of us! We passed ideas, like building schools and building orphanages, then we moved on to the idea of teaching at these places! We even decided who would teach what! Our dreams got bigger and bigger until we finally came to this: let's set Africa on fire. Not literally! But for Jesus! Our dream was to minister, evangelise, travel, teach, care and build. Building schools and orphanages, whilst ALWAYS pointing to Jesus! Always ministering far and wide. Now, is this possible by the means, of just us, two teenage girls who were just having an epic three hour phone call, when this dream came along? No.

That's why it's big enough. Big enough for now. Gods always got something bigger tucked up his sleave, who's to say that it wont be just Africa we set on fire! Only God knows the desires of our hearts truly, so Me and Liz shall always pray into our dreams, and if we trust our God, then who's to say this won't happen? There's always a possibilty with God, life with him is an adventure, one that we have to let control go of.

God knows best.

C. and Liz, send encouraging messages to you to dream your dreams with God! Let's set the world on fire!

Intro, part 2

Hey, this is now getting to be an epic intro!

Just thought I should explain somethings better.
So first, I love the power of names, I think there's some greatness in it! So when it came to naming the blog and things I chose the URL of 'Heavens Signatures.' A) Because it sounds cool right! But actually, mainly because its a powerful quote from Sean Smith, an amazing speaker from Jesus Culture, check them out! He said at the UK conference last year, "We as Christians, are heavens signatures on earth." There's so much truth behind this, signatures have to be made, produced and crafted, all similar words that the Bible uses to describe how God created you and me. With the spirit that raised Jesus from the dead living inside of us, heaven claims that as a signature here on earth. And as a signature we represent our maker, our producer, and our crafter, if the latter is even a word, (if not, let's pretend!)

Beloved. To be-loved. That's what it means essentially. So everytime I log on, and everytime you read, remember, you are loved by an almighty God, unconditionnally! And from now on, we need to stop over-complicating it and stop forgetting it, GOD LOVES YOU UNCONDITIONALLY!

Don't you forget that! Blessings!


Saturday, 8 January 2011


Hey! It's me again. Obviously. :)

I love quotes. So no doubt, quite often I will copy an paste a good'un for you!
Like so:

“For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.

For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.

For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.

For beautiful hair, let a child run their fingers through it once a day.

For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.

People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone.

Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you will find one at the end of each of your arms.

As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands; one for helping yourself, and the other for helping others.”  – Sam Levenson

I love this quote, mainly because the opening lines of each sentence display thoughts that we often ponder. Appearances. Alot of people struggle with this, especially us teens, it can be a battle right? But when reading this you're thrown into a bigger picture concerning hunger, unkindness, loneliness.I love that this quote shows a glimpse of what life can be when you live by the grace of God, and when you allow God to take away your low-self esteem and replace it with his truth and Spirit. You're never alone. You never have to face these difficult situations on your own. But this quote also brings another important factor to the table, let's share with people through the Grace of God! Let's be empowered by what God says about us, rather than what the world says, and lets spread this awesome message!

Are YOU living like this?

I'm going to leave you with this quote.

"I can't afford to have any thoughts about me in my head, that God doesn't have in his." -Bill Johnson


Friday, 7 January 2011


Hey, so this is my first proper proper post!

I like Fridays. I finish school early and then pretty much just veg about. But recently, I have wanted to be more motivated and use my time wisely... Today, I've realised sometimes I need God to motivate me.

You know, sometimes there's just some things you know need doing, but you just can't muster the energy? Well, I'm like this with revision. Revise, revise, revise. It's a bore.

But I figured something new out today. Revision. Re-vision. Going over work, trying to cram it in and remember all the bold words in that hefty textbook. But then, it sounds silly, but God broke the word down, re-vision. He said, "look at it. To revise all you have to do is re-vision. Take your vision, your focus off that confusing diagram of mitosis, and look to me. Re-vision to me first."

So I thought, hey, now that's cool. All I have to do is start my epic 'revision', by first focussing on God, spending time with him, chatting with him, but then allowing him to take part in my revision. Sounds odd right? But too often we try and go it alone, and at the end of the day, who's going to understand mitosis best, you? Or god, the being, that actually created it?

When near exams, God brings me back to these quotes:

"Do your best, and God can make up the rest."
"God's always known how you'll do, he's got it all figured out."

Blessings! Prayers to all those with exams, that Jesus will comfort you and bring stacks of peace!


Hey guys! Okay, so I'm not really sure if anyone is going to read this, but I don't mind! A long time ago God put it on my heart to start voicing Him, start sharing my experiences with Him and to stop being so flipping scared of judgement, so from then I have approached this in lots of different ways, and this is my newest approach! Heheee, so basically, hi. I'm just going to be real, be myself and talk about my journey with God! Exciting stuff, but not easy!

I'm already enjoying this blogging thing, as you are currently discovering, I like to chat, heheee, so excuse the random rambles, I do tend to get easily off topic, but I will try my hardest not to!

So yeah, hopefully this blog will interest you, or even better: to encourage you. I just want to get my voice out there to declare how good I think God is, and just to say, if you want to... check him out! I do respect that people have different views though, so don't get me wrong! :) :)

But basically, I want to encourage you guys, and share what God's doing in my life. :)


ps. My background is going to change alot, there's soooooo many cool ones to choose from. <3