Friday, 7 January 2011


Hey, so this is my first proper proper post!

I like Fridays. I finish school early and then pretty much just veg about. But recently, I have wanted to be more motivated and use my time wisely... Today, I've realised sometimes I need God to motivate me.

You know, sometimes there's just some things you know need doing, but you just can't muster the energy? Well, I'm like this with revision. Revise, revise, revise. It's a bore.

But I figured something new out today. Revision. Re-vision. Going over work, trying to cram it in and remember all the bold words in that hefty textbook. But then, it sounds silly, but God broke the word down, re-vision. He said, "look at it. To revise all you have to do is re-vision. Take your vision, your focus off that confusing diagram of mitosis, and look to me. Re-vision to me first."

So I thought, hey, now that's cool. All I have to do is start my epic 'revision', by first focussing on God, spending time with him, chatting with him, but then allowing him to take part in my revision. Sounds odd right? But too often we try and go it alone, and at the end of the day, who's going to understand mitosis best, you? Or god, the being, that actually created it?

When near exams, God brings me back to these quotes:

"Do your best, and God can make up the rest."
"God's always known how you'll do, he's got it all figured out."

Blessings! Prayers to all those with exams, that Jesus will comfort you and bring stacks of peace!

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