Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Comparing ourselves & Prophecy


It's been awhile, sorry! This summer has been crazy hectic, lots going on! All good things though. Well, amongst seeing friends, going to Sweden, seeing musicals, I've been to two Christian summer camps! Both were absolutely awesome, the best they've ever been!

But because Focus has just happened, I'll start with this one as its still fresh in my mind! The two biggest lessons I've learnt while being at Focus was about comparing ourselves to other people and prophecy.

Starting with the first: comparing ourselves. (It's just so easy to do!)
Focus is a summer camp for 9-12 year old's, so I was there as a leader, and this was my first year leading small groups with another lady! Being a leader was so much fun, and I feel that's probably why I've learnt so much new stuff at the camps this year, different responsibilities and what-not. Anyway, we weren't even half way through the camp, and I found myself thinking a lot of negative thoughts about myself and my performance as a leader. After chatting to God and with a friend, I realised it's because I was constantly comparing myself to others around me! It's easy to do, and especially when you're at a camp with people you haven't seen for ages, and then suddenly you see them all at once and they've all grown in God so much, and they're just so amazing!!! It's no wonder we start comparing ourselves and our progress. But God revealed to me that I was actually trying to compare my journey, and that's impossible because everyone is different, therefore everyone's journey is different. But God blew my mind when he said to me:

'You don't have to be good at everything, you have to remember that everyone's got different gifting's, its just about bringing what YOU'VE got.'

That blew me away. It's so true, we're ALL different, we're ALL unique, therefore we ALL have different things to bring to groups! It sounds so simple. It reminds me of the passage in 1 Corinthians 12, where it's talking about the body parts, and how each part is significant and important in the full working of the body. Check it out! So, yeah... we don't need to compare ourselves to others, we only need to be like Jesus, and be who we are IN HIM. Once you get your head around this, it's SO FREE. You can wake up, and feel so free, that today all you have to do is be yourself, bring what you have and enjoy learning FROM other's experiences rather than wanting to be like them. Because, ultimately when we learn from others journey with God that in turn shapes our understanding and experiences, meaning that if everyone is learning from someone, our journey's are even more unique and different! (I know that's not possible to be even more unique, but just go with it?) Awesome right. I'm sure I'll always have more to say on this topic, but for now I'll move on...


Okay, before last week, just looking at that word would have made me confused! But this week, due to some lovely friends bringing a prophetic culture back with them from Bethel, I have really began exploring this with God. Basically, all it means is: hearing from God and speaking it out. That can be just you on your own, or you standing infront of hundreds of people! And better yet, it's SO much fun! God says all sorts of what may seem 'weird' stuff, but then it's actually relevant to that person, crazy times. Prophesying is great, a group of us at Focus spent hours, (more often than not very late into the night) prophesying over each other and recording it. At first, i found it quite nerve-wracking and scary, worrying that you might say the wrong thing, but actually all it takes is taking a moment, to tune in and LISTEN to what God has to say. Sometimes then asking questions about what He's shown you in necessary, to communicate outloud to others effectively, but other times, He may just want you to say one word, that then unlocks a thread of prophetic words from others!
It's awesome, try it.

Right that's it from me for now!
There will definitely be more to come soon!

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