Monday, 17 October 2011

Wipe away

So God spoke to me this evening, as I was washing my face! I went to scoop some water into my hand and splashed my face, only after the first splash did I remember that I had forgotten to take off my mascara!
It began to stream down my face, like little rivers of black water... ooops. As I looked at my face in the mirror, God said to me: "Take it all off, just wipe it away." 

I was just thinking about this short sentence, what did God mean? I know He meant more than the obvious, so I asked Him. What God was really saying to me, wasn't about the application of make-up necessarily; (although girls, we do need to remember that God made us truly beautiful inside and out, and we should use make up to enhance rather than to hide, more on this in another blog!) but to be aware of the things that I try to 'cover -up' from God. 

God was telling me to take down all the façades, wiping away the illusions I try to create. To just be real and to just be myself with Him. We don't need to 'conceal' any parts of ourselves. God asks us to be completely raw and honest with Him, showing Him and letting Him into all aspects of our lives, even those shadows we can try to hide. He sees it all anyway, so how much better would it be if we let His light illuminate the corners of our lives, so we can begin to see ourselves, our situations and ultimately our lives, the way He does.

So I decided to put this into practice by basically just sitting on my bed telling Him exactly how I felt. Everyone connects with God in different ways, but I wrote it all down. (Writing may not be your way, don't worry! Do whatever it is that helps you connect with God!) I wrote down every last little thing that was fluttering around in my mind, even the faintest flutter of things in the background. You know what, it was great! It was so refreshing to just whack it all down onto paper and then say, okay God what do you say about this stuff? Show me what can/should I do? But basically just laying everything at His feet. Everything. 

I challenge you to try it! Come to God with all that you are, and all that you have, and all that you're carrying and allow Him to give you rest, for He says: "My yoke is easy, and my burden is light."(Matthew 11:30) 


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