Friday, 20 July 2012

Spiritual Awakening

Hey! So the story of today...

I spent most of today with a gorgeous family, just playing with kids, joining in conversation, basically being totally blessed by this family. It was MEGA fun. Then when I came home I just couldn't stop smiling, I was so happy. God had just rained down a spirit of joy into my heart, that even amongst so many challenging things that are going on right now, He just interceded with peace and joy. And that was enough. It's so funny the way God handles our relationship with Him sometimes, we can be so proactive and wanting to do things for His Kingdom when actually sometimes He just wants us to stop. So today he made me stop. What comes with stopping is reflecting. The two are almost partnered together; like the absence of actions almost ironically 'acts' as a permit for our minds and our hearts to rest, reflect and renew. The 3 R's.

So today God did this with me, and it was a blessing just to take a step back with Him and let Him shape my perspective so it begins to look more and more like His.

Then, I decided that I wanted to spend some time with God by writing a new post, so He reminded me of this picture above! I was browsing Facebook the other day, and one of my friends had 'liked' this, so it caught my attention; it's pretty amazing.

I chatted with God about these 12 points, and it was interesting the ones I thought I needed to work on, and the ones that God thought I needed to work on! (Again with the perspective thing?!) 

So, this is my little intro to this for now. I feel that God's got more to say to me personally through these twelve points, but also that He's going to use these lessons that I will learn to inspire some more blog posts! So watch this space! 

I encourage you to read the 12 points, and have a chat with God about them too!


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