Saturday, 25 August 2012

Focus 2012 - Love and be loved.


So I've just returned from an epic week away in Wales at a summer camp for children to be ignited with a passion for Jesus, and... it was immense. God moved so much, and worked out such a lot in everybody's lives that it's almost impossible to do a post on it, but...I shall try to capture some of His glory into words. 

The three things God spoke to me most about this week were dreams, brother and sisterhood and loving people.

This is such a popular topic for Christians to preach about, I've heard numerous talks on 'dreaming big' with God. But this week was different. I gained a deeper revelation because God had to change my thinking from a 'survivor mentality' to a mindset of one who is 'privileged.' I hadn't realised I actually wasn't living in the fullness of God because I wasn't thinking big enough; I would worship Him but then continue listen to that defeatist whisper in my mind, that had little expectations of God and declared things like, "God couldn't provide that much for me!" 
A very wise man preached about mindsets this week and he came out with this beauty of a quote: "When you give your life to Jesus, you become the privileged." So why if we've already given our lives to Jesus do we still live half measures, when there is SO much more? I asked God this and He said it's because we need to learn to be loved. He said we need to learn to receive His love, stand in the truth of who He says we are, and then ask for what we desire. At the end of the day, He placed those desires in our hearts, so of course He can and wants to help us out live them. So I encourage you to find something you are passionate about and allow your sold out, uncompromised love for Jesus to be the power and source behind your idea, your plans and your future; step into the world and be a warrior for His Kingdom in whatever way that looks for you.

Brothers and Sisters
Not having any siblings has meant that I haven't had a daily tangible way of analysing how to be a sister in Christ. However this week God has really developed in me a deeper love for my brothers and sisters, and He has revealed to me just how important it is to invest in these relationships, especially with the opposite gender. 
The whole week God has challenged me to talk to different people, of different backgrounds and ages, and to learn more about Him through them. He's shown me that we really do need each other. The advice and insight I've received just this week has truly blessed me because it has always come out of love for Christ, and has had the sole purpose of building me up. 
The reason I've found it's important to invest in our relationships with our brothers (or sisters if you're a guy!) is that we actually think very differently. I know it seems obvious, but it actually means when it comes to perceptions or revelation, prophesying or praying, the opposite gender are wired differently; therefore they can hear God differently, and hence can provide a different outlook/expression of God. So it is so important that we value each others lessons learned with God, and soak in all the varied expressions of Himself, and take the time to sow our own revelation into each other to protect one another.

Loving people
This is a massive one. This is one of those on going processes that there is always more to see and think on. God this week has taught me to love intentionally, to continue to ask Him what people need to hear or need doing, and to just do it. My favourite thing to do with God at the minute is to call things out of people in general conversation.
The Bible says in Luke 6:45 that: "What you say flows from what is in your heart." If we have asked Jesus into our heart, and the Holy Spirit is inside of us, our actions and our words especially, should overflow with His love. So, my lesson with God at the moment is to make this a lifestyle change, that what I speak to other people encourages them. I've been asking God to show me their heart and what they need to hear from Him.
God has also reminded me this week of the wonderful Heidi Baker's quote of 'stopping for the one.' Stopping for one of God's children, to intentionally love them and show them God's love is all that it takes. Amazingly simple, or simply amazing.

I'm sure I could go on for ages longer, but that's all for now.

Blessings of joy!


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