Monday, 3 September 2012



Recently mine, and a couple of good friends' creative juices have been flowing! Today I actually spoke to one of them, as we were discussing how exciting it is to create art, music and literature, with our King, God fired me up. He reminded me of something He placed on my heart back in March, and that word was simply... creativity.

I'm really loving and enjoying how recently me and some friends have been intentionally tapping into our creativity with God. This gets me so excited. God is our ultimate creator, and He enjoys doing this with us! He has said to me before how significant creativity with Him is, in that it actually forms part of the movement of bringing and enjoying Heaven on earth.

To add even more excitement into the mix, is the fact that we get to share in one another's giftings. It's so important for us to cheer each other on in our particular gifting, encourage and support the process of what God is doing in each individual, because there is always something we can learn from the other persons walk... always. (Plus it's just really fun to be involved in what God is doing in and with them!)

What comes with this building up is... responsibility. My friend said this to me, (she blows me away with her wisdom!) "It's just using what God's given us and then exploring it, but also accepting it as well, we've got to use our own gifts and not try and be someone else." 

This is so true! It's so necessary for us to recognise what He's already put inside of us, and exploring it with Him, rather than looking at our friends, leaders, parents, whoever, and trying to fit their style and giftings.

God said to me awhile ago, that we often compare ourselves to others and we can end up spreading ourselves too thin.We try and be a bit like everybody. The danger in this is, even though we're trying to be like people we respect, we can actually miss the giftings God's put inside of us for this season, because our attention is elsewhere. God's not saying that you can't have more than one gifting, but what He pointed out to me was that we can miss out on what He already has for this season, which could actually unlock other giftings later on.

God has given us giftings to use in worship to Him, to bless one another and to glorify His name wherever we go. We don't know where our giftings with Him could take us when we let them, rather than trying to control them.

Picking up on something else my friend said, she used the word 'accepting.' We've got to search our heart with God and ask Him to show us what He's placed there for us to use with Him at this time, and then... we've got to accept it. Even if it's a challenge, out of our comfort zone, well into our comfort zone, however it makes you feel, God's put it there for a reason, and He will help you in exploring it. Acceptance is something as humans we so often crave and strive for, but accepting what God has placed inside of us has no strings attached or sneaky terms and conditions, they are gifts. 

God summed up like this: "Being a Christian doesn't mean you're good at everything, it means you depend on Me for everything."

"I know, my God, that you examine our hearts and rejoice when you find integrity there. You know I have done all this with good motives, and I have watched your people offer their gifts willingly and joyously." 
(1 Chronicles 29: 17)

Blessings, enjoy exploring the gifts God's given you!


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