This evening we had a worship time with the students in our church and one guy said to ask God how you can sacrifice and commit yourself completely to Him. He asked us what were the things that we were filling in the gaps of our lives with, instead of Jesus.
It was so interesting to ask God that question. I know for myself, I'll commit myself to Him in a moment, and then in the middle of the week, when I'm still beating myself up about something that happened like the week before, I think to myself, 'I am not putting God first in this situation, I've clearly taken back control' and I've wondered, why?
One last thing that struck me, the same guy also said this evening, that these choices are daily, there are significant times to recommit yourself, but there are daily choices too.
To choose not to worry if your prayer is shorter than everyone else's, the choice to sing with all your might even if you get the words wrong, the choice to volunteer to read, the choice to wash up other people's dishes, the choice to speak up to injustice on the street, the choice to forgive yourself for being late, the choice to turn the TV off and get on your knees before Him.
Matthew 22:36-39
New Living Translation (NLT)
36 “Teacher, which is the most important commandment in the law of Moses?”
37 Jesus replied, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’
A while back God told me to read through the gospels and I haven't been able to get out of Matthew yet, it's just so good!
This verse is just pure and simple. Loving God first with everything we have and then loving others as we love ourselves, incredible.
It was so interesting to ask God that question. I know for myself, I'll commit myself to Him in a moment, and then in the middle of the week, when I'm still beating myself up about something that happened like the week before, I think to myself, 'I am not putting God first in this situation, I've clearly taken back control' and I've wondered, why?
I think there are many reasons it can be easy to do this, but one that I've just figured out with the Holy Spirit is that I often forget to live everyday as His beloved. I recognise God as my Heavenly Father, the All Mighty Creator, but sometimes I can forget how much He actually adores me, (and you of course!)
I know that sounds crazy, how could someone forget that?
But so easily performance mentality weasels it's way in and you can go right back to listing things off to God that you've done right or wrong, or how you could have done this better, or what that person must have thought when you said this, and so on, when actually all He wants is our hearts.
It reminds me of Galatians 3, where Paul says, "2-4 Let me put this question to you: How did your new life begin? Was it by working your heads off to please God? Or was it by responding to God’s Message to you? Are you going to continue this craziness?" (The Message Version)
Jesus has the victory. He paid for it all on the cross. That is the best demonstration and act of love ever. It's not about us at all, it's not about what we can and can't do, what we fail or succeed at. It's about His overwhelming love for us.
All I know right now is that that is an outrageous love, it's wonderful, it's perfect and it's freeing. And it makes me want to know Him and love Him and serve Him more and more, because He is so worthy.
The worries and the fears (although they seem huge) pale into insignificance next to Him. I choose to live as His beloved, a life full of love. I choose to give Him everything like the widow's offering in Mark 12: 41-44
To choose not to worry if your prayer is shorter than everyone else's, the choice to sing with all your might even if you get the words wrong, the choice to volunteer to read, the choice to wash up other people's dishes, the choice to speak up to injustice on the street, the choice to forgive yourself for being late, the choice to turn the TV off and get on your knees before Him.
Sometimes they can seem insignificant, but they never are to Him.
Check out this video, it will rock your world.
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